We're spending Sunday in Johannesburg, where we can see movies and use high-speed internet, so I wanted to post some of my favorite photos that we have taken so far. The first is of our neighbor, Thokozile, and her mother. I printed this photo for
them and they were so excited to have copies.
The second picture is of our neighbor Zambo (on the bike) and two of the other neighborhood boys cooperating on a bike ride.
The kids at Refeng-Thabo love when I
bring the camera to school, so I have about 200 to choose from. All day, when I bring the camera to school, students come up to me and say "Miss, shoot me..." When I show them the image on the digital camera, they burst out laughing. Every time.
Andy taught Zambo and Debeho how to play baseball and now they want to play all day every day. Kagiso (the one diving for the catch) got very good. There are always a group of kids looking to play here, and they LOVE to pose for the camera.
Andy visited The Crech, Tweeling's township preschool, a few weeks ago. The kids
performed all of their traditional songs and dances for him and now 3-5 year-old kids come running up to him to say hello whenever he is in the township.
The family that lives in front of us is the Motales, and Lerato Motale celebrated his 16th birthday on Friday. Lerato and George are taking part in a very popular South African tradition, grilling a gigantic sausage for Lerato's birthday. The braii (grill) is a big deal here and South Africans love their meat. This sausage is just part of the mixed grill, many different types of meat that the boys braiied for everyone.
Lastly, more pictures of the kids, some at Tweeling township's Valentines Day dance-a-thon/beauty paegent, and some making scary faces for the camera in our backyard. It's hard to take a bad picture of these kids, because they are just so adorable, and you will never want for subjects.